Blog - Resources
Women's Federation "Jàng ngir suqaliku
History Following a vast literacy program in the communes of North Yeumbeul, South Yeumbeul, Malika Keur Massar, and in the rural community of Sanglekam, 3,000 women supervised by 77 groups have decided to unite their efforts to fight against poverty.
Enrollment of 320 students for health care.
Within the framework of the partnership with the Universal Health Coverage (CMU), ALPHADEV has enrolled 320 students in its health care system. The symbolic handing over ceremony of the cards took place this Wednesday, February 12, 2020 at 10 am at CEM Malika plage under the...
Official launch of the program to improve the food security and nutritional situation through literacy
As part of the assanaf program, a launching ceremony was co-organized on October 11, 2019 by Alphadev in collaboration with the NGO Caritas of Kaolack. The ceremony was held in the commune of Nioro Alassane Tall more precisely in the village of Keur...
Training of facilitators
As part of Horizon 3000's ASSANAF functional literacy program, a training workshop for facilitators was held from June 21 to 30, 2019 at Caritas Kaolack. This workshop is a key step in the implementation of the program. It is to provide the facilitators with...
VOCATIONAL TRAINING : The State invited to reinforce the learning center of Malika
Le quotidien Le soleil consacre un article à Alphadev suite à notre atelier de partage du rapport d’évaluation de l’impact du programme de formation professionnelle CAP vendredi dernier. De nombreux acteurs ont appelé l'Etat et...
Un volontaire de Planète Urgence anime une formation en bureautique
Dans le cadre du programme Congé Solidaire de Planète Urgence, Richard Ratton est intervenu pour offrir des connaissances de base en bureautique à 23 bénéficiaires. La formation a notamment permis aux participants de s’initier à Excel et Word. Pour la majorité des...
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